Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books - Production - Week 20

I had a wonderful time presenting a workshop on comic book writing at King Con this week. That was one of the highlights of this week with the other I can't talk about until next year, but it does involve comics. As some of you may know, we've been struggling with an awful internet connection for the last two-plus weeks and finally have a solution from our internet provider that I hope does the trick. Our internet connection has been flickering on-and-off like a kid flicking on-and-off the room light. I did the online workshop via my mobile data to make sure that didn't happen while I was presenting it. After many failed solutions to fix our problem, our internet provider is sending a replacement for our internet modem. As to when it will arrive? I have my fingers crossed that it will be this week...in a month? This has made progress with my workshop development a little different, but like always you need to be resilient and flexible, just like in making comic books. Meet...