Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books - Production - Week 21 - 22

And our internet is sort of working. As you may recall we've been having connection issues with our internet provider where we have attempted to fix with their many suggestions. It's not at a100%, but a lot more stable to use until they figure a better solution. With that out of the way, let me say that I haven't had time to really work on Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books due to the above-mentioned and the challenges that come with it when you have kids doing online school. 

That's the not so great news, but rest assured I will be back at it soon enough with some news that I will share when everything is set and done. With all that is happening in the world, I'm pretty happy with the progress made to the first of many workshops I have planned and even finalized the syllabus for it all. That's right! I put together a syllabus to help guide where the development of the workshops will head, with the opportunity for anything to be tweaked as needed. I just need to type it all out and run it by some folks to make sure I haven't missed anything.

As for better news, I have a new horror miniseries that I will be announcing this month from Source Point Press with Josh Stafford and Robing Simon Ng! We've been working on this for quite a while and are all happy to see if finally coming out. Like always, stay safe and stay creative!
