Damned, Cursed Children #1 (of 5) in Previews Order code: NOV201529

Damned, Cursed Children, the newest Source Point Press horror joint is now in Previews for pre-orders (NOV201529)!

Damned, Cursed Children #1 (of 5) - In the sudden aftermath of a series of horrifying attacks, a group of strangers are forced together in a city gone mad. How many will overcome every human instinct, and do the unimaginable to survive in a world with Damned, Cursed Children?!
Only the fearless should dare pre-order this new horror miniseries by (W) Josh Stafford (Zomkeys), (A) Robin Simon Ng (Nicodemus Flynn) and (W) Howard Wong (Iron Man: Hong Kong Heroes) is in Previews now (Order code: NOV201529)!                                                                                                 
Previews pre-order code: NOV201529 

Feel free to share this link to pre-order Damned, Cursed Children #1 (of 5)

First Preview Pages

Don't forget to pick up other terrific Source Point Press books at their website and pre-order others at your local comic shop! Check out the groovy things they have in Previews now!
