2018 Indie Author Day 2018 was great! Met wonderful diverse authors with interesting stories and awesome readers! Readers at a library? Who would have guessed? This was my first time attending and for the library, I was their first comic book writer. So a few unknowns from both sides. Went in not knowing what to really expect. Luckily people working there and fellow authors were great in letting me know how things were in past Indie Author Days. But being a comic book writer in an event where the norm are book authors, my experience was little different. As I was setting up, people started to notice that I was not a book author, but a comic book writer. This led to curiosity and the first question all comic book writers get by those who aren't avid comic book readers, "Do you draw?" No, I don't. Okay, that a lie. I draw, but horribly bad. Some comic book writers do write and draw, but most of us don't. We mainly just write. I can write and le...