True Patriot now at Chapter House Comics!

Have you heard the news? True Patriot Vol 1 is now available at Chapter House Comics for pre-orders! Pre-order: Expected release date February 24, 2016 . Any order containing this title will not ship prior to it's release. True Patriot is a Canadian super-hero anthology written and drawn by your favourite Canadian comic book creators! Featuring the debut of Red Ensign by Scott Chantler, Arrowhead by Jay Stephens, and Particle Man by Ramon Perez, plus a new Superhero Girl story by Faith Hicks and the return of J. Torres and Tim Levins’ Family Dynamic. Other contributors include Adrian Alphona, Andy Belanger, J. Bone, Jack Briglio, Ed Brisson, Arthur Dela Cruz, Brian Evinou, Tom Fowler, Agnes Garbowska, Adam Gorham, Fred Kennedy, Ron Salas, and Howard Wong. So many amazing Canadian talent all in one book! You order your very own copy here: ! Here's one of the concepts from ...