Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books - Production - Week 20
I had a wonderful time presenting a workshop on comic book writing at King Con this week. That was one of the highlights of this week with the other I can't talk about until next year, but it does involve comics. As some of you may know, we've been struggling with an awful internet connection for the last two-plus weeks and finally have a solution from our internet provider that I hope does the trick. Our internet connection has been flickering on-and-off like a kid flicking on-and-off the room light. I did the online workshop via my mobile data to make sure that didn't happen while I was presenting it. After many failed solutions to fix our problem, our internet provider is sending a replacement for our internet modem. As to when it will arrive? I have my fingers crossed that it will be this week...in a month?
This has made progress with my workshop development a little different, but like always you need to be resilient and flexible, just like in making comic books. Meetings I've setup were put aside and the focus was put on dealing with the hurdles of taking in-person workshops to the virtual world.
Going over my notes I realized one of the fun and most useful things from my workshops were the practical components, which have been mostly and unfortunately, put aside due to not being able to use them in virtual workshops easily. This is something I intend to change and find a way to make it happen.
Some things I made note of is the fact that participants have different types of technology and internet connections. This makes attempting to do practical hands-on things digitally a challenge. Not everyone will have access to the same software and perhaps can't run it on their devices. So that is one significant hurdle I need to figure out how to get over and make practical components work with the dynamic technical aspects of virtual workshops. Until next week, stay safe and stay creative!