Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books - Production - Week 19
It has been a week of internet troubles. Our ISP hasn't figured out why it keeps cutting in and out on us. Not a fun thing as you can imagine. So plans were shifted and I decided to dive into more books and made notes for things I planned on doing much later. After developing the general overview workshops my plan was to create in-depth workshops focusing on story development, comic book creating processes and more, which will involve friends and colleagues in the comic book industry.
So in a way, I'm ahead on my to-do list for Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books. Hopefully, they figure what's going on with our internet soon. As much fun it is doing webinars off my phone, I rather do them on my laptop where I can see people's faces a little easier. Fingers crossed they'll figure it out this coming week. Funny thing, they gave me a call in the middle of me writing this with the report of having no idea just yet why we're experiencing these difficulties.
All of the covers are done for the miniseries I've been talking about. If you've been following my production diary here, you know that I've been sharing sneak peeks here and there. I can't show the covers to you just yet, but believe me, they look amazing! Now that they are done I'm looking at working on other creator-owned books, but also other things as well.