
Showing posts from July, 2020

Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books - Production - Week Eleven

Had a few phone calls and implemented the tweaks I mentioned last week. Things are coming together. I did take a much needed break this week to focus on a comic book miniseries I've been working on. Got all the lettered pages in and awaiting for editors to do their thing. We also went over cover ideas and sketches the artist provided that were all outstanding. This made it hard to pick the ones that will ultimately become the covers for this five-issue miniseries. The publisher is happy with what we have done so far, which is always a good thing to hear.  Not a long post this week, as I can't share many details of the miniseries, but I did post another teaser image on my social media accounts (image above), and another one just for you folks here (image on the left). As for next week, I will be continuing what I planned for this week and fix a few things with my laptop. Stay safe and positive out there!

My Ko-fi shop is now open!

So you may have noticed that I have a  Ko-fi page  from the link I have on this blog. I'm accepting donations there that will help with comic books I am working, as well as for the development and production of Unlocking the Secrets of Comic Books. This will be a series of workshops that will teach kids how to make their own comic books taught by local comic book creators! I have also launched my first ever online shop on my Ko-fi page ! I have trade paperbacks, anthologies, a children's illustrated book and paintings up for sale! Product details, shipping info, suggested age of reader and more are listed there. Click here to head there now and feel free to share the link too: .

Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books - Production - Week Ten

I was going over what I have done so far for a progress meeting I had with the York Region Arts Council this week. The meeting was "virtually" great. I had questions that were not just answered, but led to insightful suggestions and comments. I will be applying them to what I've been doing thus far with the workshops I've been working on. One of the parts I'm still in the progress of doing is finding artists, colourist and inkers to be a part of this. So if you are one, message me to start the conversation about the short and long-term plans for Unlocking the Secret of Creating Comic Books will be heading. I will also be preparing to contact local businesses and organizations to see what kind of partnerships can be developed with the intention of helping their businesses out. To be Frank, it has been and continues to be a challenge for everyone, myself included. Helping each other out is one of the best ways for everyone to get through this pandemic. I'...

Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books - Production - Week Nine

Reaching out to people and seeing how they can be a part of this endeavour seems to be the theme of this week, though I planned to do more than just that. I ended up spending time prepping for my first virtual beginner level comic book writer's workshop that is happening in August. Going over what I usually do live and seeing what will work and not on a virtual platform is fascinating. My flow allows for questions and comments to be threaded throughout my workshops and talks, which I think with the virtual setting allows me to not just answer them, but also to pull up visuals on the spot that will enhance the experience. That's something I don't get to do normally since I don't sit in front of a laptop when I do these things. I like to move about when I do talks and workshops. The experience of my August virtual workshop will give me some insight on what I need to discuss with the York Region Arts Council about--virtual workshops. This was not part of the origina...

Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books - Production - Week Eight

Week 8 is a bust, unfortunately. Had some unexpected things come up that ate up the week. Though, in the middle of it all, I did find some materials I thought I had lost. I will look at incorporating them into what has been built up. Hope you are all doing well and staying positive!