Unlocking the Secrets of Creating Comic Books - Production - Week Four
I started to put together what will become the syllabus that breaks down what each workshop will contain, which is making the organizing much easier. Many of the fundamentals in our craft come naturally at this point, as it does for artists, colourists, inkers and letterers I've spoken to. This resulted in making more notes in regard to elaborating various parts of the process in creating a comic book. The intention is to make it more clear so that new aspiring comic book creators can pick up the necessary skills easier.
Next week will be a busy one, with the judging for the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao's Canada Day's Canadian Superhero contest (details here), as I continue to work on the workshops. I plan to compile additional books, comics and graphic novels I would like to use, which knowing me, will result in some breaks reading many of my favourites.
I will also start to contact comic book creators residing in York Region to get input and to see how they can be involved with the workshops I'm developing. As well, I will be contacting local comic book shops to see how we can work together and get the community aware of them. The lockdown has hurt many local comic book shops and they do need all the support their community can give them. My hope that this will in some way help them.
To find out where your local comic book shops are, click here.