After Con Blahs

I know I promised to share an interesting development from the convention today, but posting photos didn't workout with my phone.

The good news is that I did take photos, which will be up by tomorrow night, if not earlier. Then you can see what I'm talking about.

So what did I do there?

I made it a point to spend more time away from the table and found the experience a lot more fulfilling; that is I wanted to get to know people I've met in the past and was happy that I did. I also got to meet new people, making new friends along the way.

I signed a contract with Jon Bryans (NGuard) to join him in a new venture called Story Factory. It's a platform for us to co-write projects with. That was part of the announcement news. Look at the photos for the other half.

I'm humbled that there are people who like what I do and took the time to let me know. If I didn't say it to you personally, let me take this time to express my deepest thank you. You may think it's insignificant to let someone know how you feel about their craft, but it surely does mean a lot, especially to me.

Thanks to everyone for making this convention a memorable one!


Photos will come.

The web comic that I showed a sneak peek of that I'm working on with Jessie Lam (Neozoic) will be coming soon here and on Jessie Lam's blog. I'll be going to my love for fantasy for this story.

Thanks again for everyone that came out.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
