My First Bookstore Signing

It actually went pretty well.

There were many people walking by, trying not to notice the weird guy sitting at the table with his a stack of his first trade paperback. There were also people who were interested and chatted with me. Some even had me sign their copies. (Nothing like defacing books in a bookstore. Heh.)

One of the things that I need to figure out how to tell people is that After the Cape, isn't for kids (though when you do say that, people tend to think it's a dirty comic). I had some moms and dads give me that eye popping stare when I told them what it was about. I explained that there is a variety of comics for all ages, so they had to be aware of what to get their kids.

Maybe I'll print out a small blurb about the series and see if that helps.

I was there from 1 - 5 PM, so if you did show up and I was gone, you can still catch me on November 3rd at the Chapters at Woodbine and HWY 7. (There's also two signed copies in the store.)

I do want to take this time to thank everyone at Indigo for being so nice and kind to a nobody like me.


When you stop by there next, you could also grab a free poster of the cover of After the Cape issue one. Yup, I defaced them with my scribble.
