
Upcoming 2025 Events

The list will be updated as more events are confirmed. When sign-up links we will be shared when they are available. Sign-up Links: Beginner’s Guide to Making Comic - Oakwood Public Library - Feb 20th  Call the library to book your spot! How to Create Asian Superheroes - Oakwood Public Library - Mar 6th  Call the library to book your spot! Comics 101 (13-17 YO)- Richmond Green Library - March 8th How to Create Superheroes - Pickering Public Library - March 11th Toronto Comicon - Table P192 - March 14 to 16   Comics 101 (9-12 YO)- Oak Ridges Library - April 26th How to Create Asian Comic Book Superheroes - May 6th

Wayside Comics and Cocktails Holiday Market December 14th

I'll be at Wayside Comics and Cocktails' Holiday Market on December 14th from 4 pm to 8 pm! That's this Saturday!  Come see what they have to help you with your holiday needs! I'll have comics for kids to older kids, and new merch!

Mississauga Comic Expo - Nov 16

Find me and some of your favourite comic book creators at MXC, November 16th from 10 am to 4 pm! I'll be in the 3rd Floor. You can also find me at the following panel on the 1st Floor, Noel Ryan Auditorium: Panel: Canadian Comics: How to Make Them Fun and Exciting  Time: 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Description: Ever wondered why there are so few Canadian characters or stories taking place in Canada in mainstream comics? Join Joe Shuster Award-nominated comic writer and National Geographic Mentor, Howard Wong (Dead to Us, Iron Man: Hong Kong Heroes) and comic artist and educator, Keith Grachow (The City We Chose, Dead to Us), as they share their secrets to crafting comic stories with compelling Canadian characters and settings. Learn about their collaborative process, get inspired by their unique perspectives, and ask them anything about creating Canadian comics during the Q&A session.  Don't miss this opportunity to learn from industry experts and get inspired to create your own Ca...

Indie Author Day at Richmond Hill Public Library, 6

 I'll be there from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. 

Upcoming Events


Learn to Make Comics at Pickering Central Public Library - Oct 5th!

  What: Learn basic skills to make comics Where: Pickering Public Library Central branch When: October 5, 2024, 2pm - 4pm For::Ages 9 to 12 How: Book at pickering public library website or Jumpstart your comic creating during this two-hour overview workshop covering basically everything you need to start your comic book creating journey! Topics include: -Worldbuilding - Story Development - Comic Book Script Writing - Paneling - Cover Design Participants will go from idea to a one-page comic story draft! Supplies will be provided.

Comic Book Consultation

Sundays in October I will be at Markham Public Library, Angus Glen Branch answering all of your comic book creating questions in 1-on-1, 45-Min private sessions from 1 pm to 4pm. This is open to ages 14 to adult. Book now on the Markham Public Library website ( ) to guarantee your preferred time(s)—that’s right, you can book more than once!